Most of us do not even set a password to sensitive folders on a USB flash drive, and while some of us take the extra step of purchasing an encrypted USB flash drive that has password protection, how about adding another layer of security that might just throw potential data thieves off guard?
I am talking about the $49.95 The Only Voice Authenticating USB Drive, where it lives up to its name by being the only USB flash drive around in the market that will ensure the contents within remain safe and sound, thanks to a password that can only be unlocked when spoken by its owner.
Too bad there is just 8GB of storage space inside, but it ought to be more than enough to stash away sensitive files such as contacts, financial data, or password lists.
Sporting a sophisticated voice recognition software which is capable of detecting the specific frequencies and nuances of your voice, you need not bog down your regular machine with additional software installations, as it follows the easy plug-and-play method, where speaking your password in the right tone will authenticate it.