Tuesday 24 July 2012

Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse

Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse will keep Diablo 3 gamers happy

The Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse is touted to be a highly customizable device, where it is also easy-to-use despite looking as though you need some rocket science degree to figure things out. 

Out of the 20, a dozen of these will be thumb buttons, which are set in two groups of six each on a meticulously designed thumb panel in order to make it easily reachable in a jiffy, delivering no-look navigation and faster game play.
Of course, I do believe that the learning curve is going to be steep for some, but hopefully one’s latent gamer instincts will kick in easily, and everything will be smooth sailing in no time. 

It can be used straight right out of the box, without the need for any drivers, and has a G-Shift function which makes it a snap to double the number of actions you can perform with any button.
The Logitech G600 MMO Gaming Mouse is tipped to arrive in the US as well as across the pond sometime next month for $79.99 a pop.www.logitech.com or our blog.


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